CAGR Calculator

What is CAGR Calculator and why is it used?

CAGR Calculator is like any other calculator, but with a specific purpose. It is used to calculate the average rate of compund interest you'd earn on your investments (usually Stocks and mutual funds) for a given period of time.

The prices of volatile stocks can fluctuate so much that it becomes difficult to compare it to a more stable invesment such as fixed deposit or bonds. CAGR or compound annual growth rate evens out the returns of your investment over a period longer than a year so that you can easily compare it with other stable asset classes.

Our CAGR Calculator is fast and easy to use.

Calculate CAGR of your investment in simple steps using our free CAGR Calculator

Enter the purchasing price of a stock in the "Price at the beginning" field, selling price or current market price in the "Price at the end" field
enter the holding period in "Number of years" field. Then click on "Calculate CAGR" button to get the Compunded annual gain rate.

Enter the details of your investment below:

Price at the beginning:

Price at the end:

Number of Years:

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